Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

botf sucks
botc IRL does not

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Is there a meaningful di- oh.

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i have no idea why but botc irl is actually loads of fun

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You see, you would need to have:

  1. local friends
  2. who are interested in social games
  3. and would play them with you

And I may or may not fail step 1.

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this is fair
i know botc online is like, acceptable but

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Because when you play with people IRL they’re incredibly easy to snapread and you become the gamer of all time. None of you people have TONES or EXPRESSIONS and you all POST too much


Start using your lying voices please


i like ivy’s take that the botc devs basically stumbled upon a good game and handled it ~relatively poorly

(see: night order sheet shenanigans)

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did I miss something

no this happened years ago i think

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basically the devs did NOT want the night order sheet to be accessible to the players and didn’t even publish them online
this was later changed, but is still kinda evident in the fact there is only one night order sheet in every box

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Why though?

oh okay hang on I can fix this okay

:smile: hi everyone, let’s have a great game!
:neutral_face: by the way I am the Undertaker
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: I see that we’re voting on May! :laughing: hand up!


idk this literally flies in the face of the whole “accessibility” thing they had going on

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:neutral_face: Hello there, we are executing May because they failed Ravencliff’s challenge pissing.
[after a few seconds of confusion]


I did play a game of mafia in class once, and it was incredibly scuffed. There were ~16 players, but nobody knew how to setup design, and I sat quietly because I didn’t know either (it was like, 2017?). There were only three roles: VT, wolf, and cop, but the cops (yes, cops) weren’t what you think. They were basically a group of masons that could pick a target at night and then that target would be revealed as “chosen by the cops” at SoD.

If you think “hmm, that’s just mountainous with extra clears for town,” you would be right, because that’s basically what it was. I don’t remember how many wolves there were, I think four?

I randed cop with a friend of mine and two other people (yes, four masons). My friend is the first to point their finger at someone night 1 and we kinda just follow him. Then, we go to day 2, our target is declared as “chosen by the cops” or something, and they get executed because “no other leads” (even though it wasn’t a real lead, we were just throwing darts). Except we apparently weren’t throwing darts, because the target flipped wolf.

After the flip, we let my friend choose our target again and we executed them the next day. It was also a wolf. The game didn’t continue because we had to pack our stuff and leave, but it was certainly an experience where I did absolutely nothing, and where nobody would vote anybody that wasn’t chosen by the masons (even though it was never a real lead). Oh, and nobody actually made reads. The day phase consisted almost entirely of voting for whoever the cops chose, and the cops themselves weren’t making reads because… there was barely any discussion going on. No clue how my friend got two in a row, perhaps he was cheating and opened his eyes at night when the wolves were acting. Or he heard something.


it was this

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I think this story says a lot about our society

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i remember playing Ultimate Werewolf in class a few times
it was always scuffed

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It’s funny, friends of mine used to love to play mafia IRL, but I never really cared for it. It always felt so random. Then I played it with online friends w/ and suddenly Got It