Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


Thats not entirely true just the ones I stopped talking to when I knew they were questioning their gender and ndever got a status update on. But thats a good chunk

my sister in christ you’re the one who made the sandwich
if you dont wanna be blacklisted all you have to do is say you aren’t blacklisted



this is why self blacklists are dumb and you should just call yourself retired instead

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So as you probably we had a channel in this one Discord server like ages ago where we just pretended it was a PTA Facebook group. Mine was called Cheryl Wilson she was the president of the PTA with a massive superiority complex. She was an Irish Catholic her hair was naturally red but she had to dye it blonde since she was a kid because in the Karenverse there is still great discrimination against Irish people due to the dangerous presence of Marget Thacher

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…does pta stand for parent teacher association or is this something i’m unfamiliar with

Parent Teacher Association yes

i will live out my 1000 day and 1000 night sentance and I will enjoy it

2026 isnt ready for what’s coming


@Arete i feel like this is the vibe campaign 2 needs

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She was initially married when the chat started, got a divorce early on because her husband secretly vaccinated her children. One of her kids ran away from home to live with her father, the other was still living at home while the legal proceedings went on until the Incident


reject dungeons and dragons, embrace housewives and homeowners associations


D&D but the only demon you are fighting is homosexuality


campaign 2?
can i join

The Incident happened when she got into a fight with another member of the PTA over whether minions were communist (Cheryl believed they were, Rita enjoyed posting minion memes in the PTA group), accused Rita of trying to usurp her position as PTA president, then got so angry over this that her soul left her body and descended into Hell. There was an extended sequence in which she tried to convert the residents of Hell to Catholicism and she only managed to break out when Rita joined her in hell busting through the walls with her megavan (Rita has too many kids for a minivan)

Yes. Karenverse!!!

But why don’t I even remember anything from here?

idk if arete is actually planning a second campaign or not i was just making a joke

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Wait, I remember this part. It was my favorite part of the movie

wait y’all FINISHED?

what happened to this thread