Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Well now I’m not losing so you don’t have to throw yet

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Throw once you are winning OK?


ok got it

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if I have less material than you, I will throw until it’s balanced


how do I throw

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this involves 3d chess to figure out how to throw

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I’m managing it perfectly fine withotu trying

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Try playing mahjong at the same time and watching videos about the Splatoon meta OK?

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rmeber capturing something is forced, if yoy caputred my pawn I would have had to capture something with my queen, you didn’t need to take my queen, in fact you should prioritize lower value stuff when capturing because higher value stuff can be used to drag them to capturing stuff

Thats true & correct

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I mostly just see movement and my eye goes there so I press the button. I am so good at chess

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by the way apparently anti chess has a broken syrategtt for white but idk what it is this is like my fifth time playing it

something to do with horsies

In Splatoon pressing buttons at moving stuff is always correct


Wait I’m thinking of the chess where pieces explode

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Atomic chess yeah

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Ok I figured out how to throw


chess is for the weak
real gamers play 5d chess

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Did you

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may was supposed to do a move