Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

it involves you playing better moves which is problematic


there was a move that was way better

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Fuck you. You’re not allowed to throw


What happens if I don’t call Carson his name?

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thank god she didn’t do the b8 and did a worse move which now means I can not throw now

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Update I have no good moves

May will figure out how to throw tho

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Wow my internet is really bad today I just DCed from Splatoon


skill issue

Stop making me capture things :(

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I’m losing!

You have an advantage because you play good moves

With optimal play this seems like a draw


You know better than to assume that

This is because our bishops are on opposite colors

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Meaning they can’t capture each other
So the horses just have to be careful not to hit anything

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And the horse needs to be on my bishop color at all costs and avoids squares that hit anywhere ky bishop can move

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So like you could just keep moving the bishop probably

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funny enough my light bishop controls dark squares with anti chess lmao

I’m winning so I need to throw again

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