Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

first of all HE HAS AN ARMY GEYDE
second of all a dead bowser is an easy target. you can see in the cutscenes the magic has to hit him. mario just dodges. they are enemies you find

any game with geno isnt canon

ok so mario and luigi superstar saga isnā€™t canon but every other mario and luigi game is canon


Dry Bowser is an undead variant of regular Bowser.

in car bye

geyde id like you to hit an inanimate object with a bowling ball and then try to hit a real person with a bowling ball and tell me the difference

Iā€™ll like to imagine that Mario only has one life. Whenever he dies, that life never happened.


This is because Mario isnā€™t in control of his actions, only that he thinks he is.


1-ups are in-universe power-ups though.



This is true and annoying

I hate 1-ups get rid of them

When Chris Pratt Mario refuses immortality because he doesnā€™t like mushrooms:

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Wow a lot of posts were made!

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most of them probably being my silly ass


i found this gem

this means iā€™ve drawn it somewhere but i have no idea where :skull:

also no my name is not maxwell anymore shh


Magnus Carlsen, I assume.