Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

See I love having an environment where I’m allowed to try to determine if someone is pretending to be my friend. And there’s a decent chance the answer is yes

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That can’t sound healthy

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In “real life” that’s “extremely unproductive” and “paranoid” because the answer is in all likelihood “no” and if it is “no” that’s “their problem” as they have “zero obligation” to do so

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Also I love lying and I’m better at EiMM lying than mafia lying. It’s so much easier one-on-one. I can tailor my tone to the individual instead of being paralysed by trying to trick a dozen people at once

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What is EiMM

update: it is fixed

See? A sthetoscope can literally save the day


Everyone is Mafia Mafia


Oh right. It was an RP

What happened in there? Didje guys have fun?

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Which game are you referring to?

Ei Ai Em Em?

I think we have different ideas of what that is. EiMM is a game format not a singular game

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I played a game that was sort of like EiMM and I managed to convince like six people to burn an offer of alliance on me and then just ignored them


Which means they can’t ally with anyone else that night. And then I kill them

And then I got forcibly recruited by the only faction in the game capable of doing so, a faction who had literally all its members outed, and then was forced to sabatoge my own former faction such that they could not win and then died myself and we lost and it was very sad

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survivor is definitely not a place for me

the one time i played absolutely soiled any chance of me coming back to it :sob::sob::sob:

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I played proper EiMM once, a buddycop game, and I spent the whole time telling my partner “hey this one guy is going to kill us. He’s going to murder us. He is presently organising our deaths there is visible evidence of it and we need him dead if we are to win” and they were like noooo haha he’s great he’s our best ally you’re being silly

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You’ll Never Believe Who Killed Us

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Was it you