Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

mmm camcer skittles

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i said proud twice. wording fail

we ARE proud. it makes it taste better. proud 2x even. if i can pronounce all of the ingredients on your product it probably sucks

I feel like this wraps round to my first point about the pride skittles because they’re all white skittles. American skittles during pride month are trying to kill you


(The gays are trying to kill children by putting metal in their food)


“oh no there’s metal in the stuff we eat” mfers when they hear what forks and spoons are made out of


You’re making some really good points but unfortunately as I’m taking the homophobic side of this argument I have to ignore them. Cutlery is demonic anyways. We use god’s cutlery in my house. All real food is made to be eaten with your hands


If you show me scrambled eggs I will cry


Wait what’s the flavour situation on those

Are they all the same flavour or are they indistinguishable

whatever they’re selling me at mcdonalds is killing me but goddamn is it worth every month i shave off

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exactly the same as regular skittles. every year i see shelves dedicated to these things. they are always filled

wait… they advertise that as a positive in america!? they advertise no artificial colors or flavourings here…

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some of them also do this, some of them loud and proud say “naturally and artificially flavored!”. Depends on the store and the product

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They’re legally required to say they’re “naturally and artificially flavoured” like it’s in the law

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It’s not advertising it’s FDA shit

(3) In cases where the flavor contains a solely natural flavor(s), the flavor shall be so labeled, e.g., “strawberry flavor”, “banana flavor”, or “natural strawberry flavor”. In cases where the flavor contains both a natural flavor and an artificial flavor, the flavor shall be so labeled, e.g., “natural and artificial strawberry flavor”. In cases where the flavor contains a solely artificial flavor(s), the flavor shall be so labeled, e.g., “artificial strawberry flavor”.

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yah but some of them go above and beyond with it. like imma try to find examples where they like make it big asf and are proud ofi t

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They in fact include natural flavours presumably so that they can say “natural and artificial flavour” which sounds better than just “artificial flavour”

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to be fair there’s a lot of situations where i will aim for artificial flavors over natural ones like cherries

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