Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

this is really bad

what do u mean

I am perpetually overstimulated WE NEED MORE POWER

its just how ive been acting
i dont talk like this

maybe you’re just vibing

when I was a kid I was told “you can be anything and do anything if you REALLY want to” and when you grow up you realize that’s not really true. Not me though. I still believe it

im going to try and fix it again
its been so annoying
and the medicine ive been on is just making me sound weirder

this comment would be better if it ended with darling on the first line but that’s so impossibly out of character for my speech that I cannot fathom saying it


ive been torturing you for the past 15 minutes

i’d silently judge you in my head if you did

naww i don’t feel tortured r anything lol i’m like sorta sleepy but not sleepy enough to actually sleep so i’m just chilling here i like having random deep convos at 1am lol

My father wanted me to surpass him so I became 34 years old


i couldn’t imagine medicating myself ngl

like what even is geydespeak
what’s in character for geyde to speak
what’s out of character

delusional ranting is perfectly in character but what’s out of character

I want to beat somebody up but neither of us suffer any injuries after

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my mouf hurts

I feel like the injuries are kind of a key part. I want to beat somebody up but I can turn off the injuries when I get bored of them

I don’t want to get bored of other people
Such would be the death of my life

Bored of the injuries, I mean. Once the novelty wears off.

delusional ranting and general grandiosity of ideas. you are very grandiose

the most out of character thing for you would probably be a katze-tier level of “15 layers of irony”, you tend to very flat out say what you mean without shrouding it in humor

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