Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Yea that’s me

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Ohhh that’s lovely

Well of course it does not have a SET dictionary, as SET is a different game altogether, and also does not require a dictionary, though one could be fabricated.

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Your mother does not have a dictionary. She borrows mine

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And where did you get yours?

From yo momma


Yes, inherited. Long tradition of dictionaries in my family. To which your mother will be added (we are getting married in the spring)


Win/Loss Scenario (WLW win, loss of your dictionary to my family.)

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Oh fuck you’re going to inherit my dictionary aren’t you. Goddamnit. I won the battle but lost the war

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Unless you obtain children, yes.

I’m disinheriting you

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I am still my mother’s child, you must first convince her to disinherit me.

While you are doing that, I have already stolen your dictionary.

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It’s fine I know every words already

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You didn’t know about fhqwgads, or about bionomy

Happy birthday

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Do YOU know about fhqwgads


If I didn’t, I would have failed to bring it up as a counterexample


Much like how you failed to bring your mother up as a counterexample

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Your mother is such an inherent counterexample she doesn’t even need to be brought up, everyone is thinking about her already, that’s how much of a counterexample she is

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Your mother is such an “Your mother is such an inherent counterexample she doesn’t even need to be brought up, everyone is thinking about her already, that’s how much of a counterexample she is” that she’s recursive as fuck boi

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