Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

thats weird, actually

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like really weird
don’t a lot of men like that stuff?

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adult media is the only media in which good mlm can be found and that also has the hedonistic mlm

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wlw is far more accessible since male gaze


at least in my experience


…Unfortunately that just appears to be how TV works. Profiting off of people as much as they can, while also avoiding going into territory that could lead a completely different audience away.

There’s likely been quite a few LGBT+ characters that have been placed in media, but placed in more of a way where it can be denied they’re LGBT+ to the right people. I’m unsure if that makes sense? …Sorry if it doesn’t.

I don’t have really much else to add. Min…would, if he wasn’t so devoted to roleplaying right now.

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skill issue

wlw male-gazey media is immediately obviously sucky for wlw people tho

what nobody wants to hear is the exact same is true of female-gazey mlm media (I could go for. hours. about heartstopper. and it’s basis in yaoi culture. but nobody wants to hear this)


one time i read this “classic” book i had never heard of that was blatantly obviously gay but everyone portrayed them as best friends

it was called like
A Seperate Peace

draco malfoy esqe characters form the main shield for mlm content against the female gaze


I am being completely serious


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the author later came out as gay and said it was gay but in a shocking twist of events since it isn’t explicitly stated in the book they’re still best friends

yeah we all thought it was mid

i read it with my friends in an english class

haters. i thought it was good. cute and obviously queercoded

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i’m not posting with any logic I’m just posting pent up shit

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to be clear