Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

s1-s3 tbc


I actually thought Janai’s arc in s4 was interesting (I realize this is a controversial take) but the interesting things about it were like ‘how do you navigate the complex pressures and demands of governing this population of people many of whom hate each other while operating under a number of tight constraints’ and not ‘wow! the siblings are fighting’ and like

yes Technically they’re tying this into the first thing but the focus is much more on the latter this season


I think this choice would have worked better if it was more expressionist in that it actually showed us anything. It doesn’t need to be realistic…in fact it shouldn’t since it’s conveying a very complex subject and showing that accurately in the time they’re given is simply HARD


there’s a lot with s4 that I felt was “really interesting and has potential, which it squanders”




just ate a prune and was taken aback at how good it was. i had eaten like 7 from the bag that day and they wer all good, but this one specificially was CRAZY stuff. just an insanely good tasting prune. stood there for a solid 30 seconds internalizing it

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the 80 year old fandom is popping off rn


shut the hell up
i can be 19 and like prunes. they are fuckin delicious. and good for my bones. seethe more, storycel

Your speech to text messed up again grandma
it thought you said 19 when you said 90! Remember to double check before sending :)


i am cutting you out of the will

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You know what’s good for you bones? Fighting. Long term benefits for short term pain. Like getting sick but for your bones

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I go out every friday night and just pick a random person to start a fight with. My bones are like steel

Prunes is how we call plums here in Romania :scream:

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prunes are just dried plums so that makes sense

if fighting makes ur bones stronger then my parents must have INSANE bones

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Someone punches them and you just hear and extremely loud gong sound

Raisins (undried and dried) is how the french call grapes

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