and who are you to judge that
where’s your doctorate allowing you to perform lethal experimentation on prisoners
I don’t have a doctorate, but I am a student of psychology.
“i can’t make the cake that you’re requesting, but i did bring you some store-bought chocolate”
hey minnn
idr what we were even talking about but one time i was talking to my dad about something and he kept on rebutting every point i made with “but who gets to decide that?”
the answer is no one is PERFECTLY capable but we need to try our best to determine it anyways because it is very important
you need to see the world more
you imply that i will find perfect people by going outside my house
you have yet to meet me
atlas god complex arc
god complex?
i find it quite simple, really
“Store-bought chocolate” would be someone looking it up on Google.
whats it like that everytime you’re nervous or trying to start conversation you have to open with some version of a digitized writing of a cat noise