Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


  • Promise not to do anything fucked up OK?

Article Arete linked notes a lot about it, actually. I was too slow because I was playing SPLATOON 3 FOR THE NINTENDO SWITCH


Ifyou see me posting here in like 3 hours kill me with a shotgun for the sake of my teammates I have a tournament and I should not be posting through those sets

replication crisis oversimplified tl;dr

  • when you do a scientific study, even if you do everything right and are acting in good faith, there is still a chance you’ll end up with a false result by pure random chance
  • additionally, many scientists are not acting in perfect faith, e.g. they might run a number of experiments and only publish the “interesting” results
  • scientific journals are also biased towards publishing results that are interesting. if you randomly assign half of people to dance around before a big test and this does nothing, it probably won’t get published. if they do super well on the test, it might.
  • this means that many results that had previously been seen as “oh we did a study on it and it was true” are actually not true. this is called the “replication crisis” because subsequent studies that attempted to replicate those results got different answers.

Disrespecting people in the Splatfest



May commiting melonies

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(The badges Cal and I have equipped are the ones you get in your, like, first week of play. We just bought this game & never learned youre supposed to ink youre base sorry)

Not inking base is a moral commitment

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Recently I’ve been going onto lost media subreddits and trying to get people to find a movie. The same movie. Every time. I describe my experience in great detail of the one time I saw it as a child, paragraphs upon paragraphs of everything surrounding my fateful encounter in complete vivid detail, what I had for lunch that day. how I got in trouble for ditching school. The weather that morning. and then I say something along the lines of “I don’t remember much from the movie. I remember a dog. a golden retreiver. It was playing sports i think? It would mean a lot to me if someone could find it.”. I have done this on 7 different accounts. At first people were mildly annoyed (I didn’t know air bud how dare I) but one person has responded to 5 of these, angrier each time. I feign I have no idea what they’re talking about. Sometimes I thank them anyways, sometimes I get mad for it. But they don’t deter me. They claim i already know what air bud is. I do, but I won’t tell them that. On the last encounter they written a paragraph. I didn’t read it. I ignored it and posted another request to find air bud 4 hours later. They gave up after that. They will learn to fear me. Last time I checked someone was petitioning the mods to add a “common asks” list. Like itd change anything. If they ban me for asking what the basketball dog movie is I will win. They will play my game. Whether they like it or not.


so anyways how are you all

Going to sleep

Why are you copypasting copypastas, StoRY

I wrote that

you are a menace

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The hell




DAMNIT i shouldve said “What copypasta”

Uhh, no. That experiment was not ethical.

For one, this is deception and lack of informed consent.

This here is harm to the participant.

Debriefing also cannot exist because he’s dead.


just witnessed a n1 doom win
