Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

You just bring them to the brink of death, and cry over their body so they wake up. Haven’t you seen any movies?


No, Magnus, I haven’t seen any movies. Don’t you know who I am? I fucking hate movies


you hate music too is there any form of media you don’t hate

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I hate movies, music, and TV shows. Well-established May lore.

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I never watch movies, but I’ve still seen Rapunzel. Everyone should see that movie.


I did see Rapunzel at some point, I have the movie in my memory, but I have NO idea when. I know it wasn’t as a little kid, and it also wasn’t recently, so sometime between like… 12-14? I’m going to go meditate on it for a while and come back to you on that one.

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OH I know, I think it was a movie night with some friends. I saw a couple movies there. Not, like, a lot of the movie, because we all thought everything was extremely funny, and so we were distracted from the plot by laughing… but technically, I saw it.


That’s also how I saw Titanic. Extremely funny movie. Running…


I just remembered the movie isn’t even called Rapunzel.

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I’ll do you one better.
I didn’t watch Titanic because it was too long and I’d get bored.


You should watch 8 hour YouTube documentary. You certainly will not regret watching 8-hour YouTube documentary


Would I kill Atlas if I had to save everyone and I’m apparently the Chosen One and the only one who can do it? Sure.
Would I kill May if I had to save my barber’s job? No, I wouldn’t.


What’s the documentary about?

yeah but can you kill ATLAS

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I dunno I don’t actually have an 8-hour one at the top of my head. One of my friends had a phase where she was addicted to watching 12-hour Plants vs Zombies YouTube videos. She watched so many

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The same Titan holding up the sky?

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And your own hair. Don’t forget about your own hair. The spells say so

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fight me then

I wanted six hours of videos breaking down Toy Story 4, and another serious breaking down Incredible 2, and yet another breaking down Doctor Strange 2.