Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

anthony gormley just fucking loves situating cast iron sculptures of himself in Locations

i have no idea how he keeps getting planning permission for this but he does

They just show up. They’ve tried to remove it but it just comes back the next day bigger and stronger

one thing that i’m not showing, by the way, is that almost all of these do show his genitals. they were also included in the cast. for obvious reasons i cannot post this

boutta go to cosby beach and PRAY for a night at the museum typa situation to go down

here’s a statue of anthony gormley by anthony gormley called Transport, which is an image of him made out of nails that hangs inside of the crypt at Canterbury Cathedral

Does he make anything that isnt himself

every anthony gormley sculpture looks like a curse has been placed upon the location where it sits and i genuinely say that as a compliment; it forces you to comfront the location in a really interesting way


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well okay he did make this also

Nevermind anthony you can go back to making metal sculptures of your ass

I’m sorry for questioning you

anyway here’s an anthony gormley statue sitting at precisely 2,039 metres above sea level in the middle of the alps. there are, of course, 100 of these

all of them are precisely 2,039 metres above se alevel no matter which mountain they’re on

Is that number important or does he just like it

your guess is as good as mine

anthony gormley’s sculptures rule they very much are based around asking the question of how exactly you’d react to this if you didn’t know that it was art

oh, he also built the Quantum Cloud

anthony gormley sees a large space and says “fill it with the Beings”