Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

i remember my play in anni because it was flawless. an invaluable asset to town’s victory

I don’t think I have a single game on FoL which I would say I both Did Well In and Won

I was in a (vig10? i think) turbo with trochi and the f3 was me/troch/visorslash and I was obviously town and properly identified visor as wolf but I had just beat trochi as wolf in a BoTC lylo so troch voted me overr visor

I guess the recent BotF but all the rest are ehhh

same here lul

PAYOR maybe, I buried Gar, then sort of caught Magnus & Guava, but that felt too mech-y to count, and I spent half the game coward hedging on Magnus (& since they’d claimed a greencheck on Guava, I couldn’t go after them).

And I submitted a House of Leaves role and the hosts didnt get mad at me

*The hosts didn’t get mad at me until after the game

a couple years back I was in a game on MC called ‘not quite dead yet’ or something to that effect. the gimmick of the game was that all players had to be killed twice to die. the first time you were killed, your alignment (but not your role) flipped. on day 1 I wound up run up against Zymf, although they were slightly in the lead. they claimed doctor and pushed me into the lead. I happened to pull out my phone in the elevator on the way to my Florentine political thought class, see what had happened, and counterclaim them as babysitter, at which point the execution flipped back to them. (I think? it’s possible this was before I left for class and I didn’t see if it had worked until I got to class). they were mafia. we proceeded to leave them alive for most of the game on the theory that I could just target them every night and mafia would never be able to kill me (I did not in fact target them every night).

on like day 4 or day 5 we hit what was announced as LyLo. we knew mafia had some sort of day-arsonist-type role (although we had slightly misinterpreted some of the mech around it), and I was like “well, I guess we just have to vote one of the two flipped wolves we have and hope it’s right.” we voted out the flipped mafia from day 1 and they were the day arsonist.

I felt pretty stupid about that one

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My note in my spreadsheet for PAYOR reads simply “Played fine”. That’s what I’d say. I played fine

hmm come to think of it i also don’t remember the last time i both played well and won

it’s been a while

i also remember those old botc discord games. back when kat played. and she would always claim ravenkeeper no matter what her role was.

and then we played fake artist and she always drew an airplane no matter what the word was

and then… you get the point


My favourite part about that game is that Magnus thought I would super townread them because they had guessed my submitted role and were trying to beam into my mind how their greencheck on Guava worked to clear htemselves in my mind and I didn’t get it so I was just like “wowww kinda sus”

i remember Not Dead Yet Mafia

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chaotic neutral

i miss MafiaColosseum tbh it was a fun site def my fav after fol

wait mc ded?
i thought it was still going just osie stepped down

if it didn’t die that’s poggers… i heard it did lol. i might be
spreading misinformation online

on the last night of the game the mafia finally decided to kill me. at this point there was an outed wolf (I think maybe Jackrito? who had subbed in for someone I don’t remember) and a non-outed wolf (Wiisp), and we had agreed on clearing enough people that mafia were basically going to need to be perfect in order to win.

so I targeted the outed wolf that night (as the only protective in the game - we’d massclaimed at that point)

and we get to the next day and there are no deaths? and I’m like “???I targeted the outed wolf did the mafia factional kill themselves?”

and then Wisp conceded and we learned that no, the outed wolf was just a mirror, and so I had been redirected to myself, and the host had ruled that if a babysitter is redirected into selftargeting this is like them crawling into a Pokeball to hide from kills