Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

no way we have a day dedicated to that

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blame revolutionary France not me

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I’ve messaged this Pet Site person Two Times making very Good offers on their dragon and they have Completely Ignored me Both Times while continuing to relist hte dragon on the auction house for Many Months


Do you spend money on this

The dragon is listed for an Outrageous price that is Six Times previous sale price and I have cited previous sale price and offered to pay Two Times that and yet still they do not respomd

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I don’t but I have spent so much time. So much time


I learned to draw to make custom skins to sell for pet site money and I took commissions that I couldvve taken in real life money for pet site currency so thats basically the same thing


What’s the dragon look like

If I were to buy the currency for this guy through the site it would cost $2,000 which I would not do.

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You have over 600 dollars of currency?

I hav e played this game for five years


Is this ur retirement plan

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Currently it looks like this

I am seeking this dragon to Change it using Items to look exactly like a dragon I Currently Have except much more Rare and Valuable. The dragon I currently Have is notable for looking like Many different things as I have a large collection of user Made accents for him here is One

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I probably have a good chunk of money if I liquidated my account and sold it on the Black Market

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can’t you find the dragon elsewhere
it looks cool

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is this a gacha

Eliza we may need to stage an intervention

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Well see there are Two Kinds of dragons on Flight Rising dot com. There are Normal dragons which are very cheap and inexpensive no matter What they look like. I currently have the latter dragon in Normal Dragon form. Then there are Generation One dragons which are very expensive in rare Colour Combinations such as the one this dragon has. And the rest of my Dragons are Generation One so I seek to replace him Also with a Generation One dragon

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