Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

Silviu has been to the country of :transgender_flag:!?

I never have been to ThePsycho[Reviewer]reich, though it’s close to the ocean, it must mean it rains alot.

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In @TodaysStory

Silviu wants to find out if the bus is trying to skip over her spitefully when she has to go home

And in TodaysStory

@May needs to do her medical aerobics!

Death battle dropped peak fiction

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What is this abomination

Death Battle is a web animation where they put two characters against each other in a “battle to the death”, using powers and skills displayed in their home series to determine the victor

No dogs die in this one ftr

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Oh my god

I have a lot of fun with it

Powerscaling isn’t my cup of tea but I do like cross series things, especially in the animation format

Hold that thought for a sec.

Guys, do y’all discord’s working?

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it’s not for me
i tried to send you a message a few seconds ago

i need some advice
im really sick and can barely get out of bed
should i even bother tryinlg to get food or should i just skip it

you’re gonna have to get up eventually to do other things
you could just get food now and save yourself getting up later


second question
while im getting food should i just go to class because im already up

dont think you should, no.
class is a different heavy level of physical excursion


what if im actually not sick
what if i just think i have a fever when i actually dont
then id be skipping class for no reason and thats a bad thing

dont go to class
do get food
do sip water

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if you physically feel ill, your body will mirror that
it is not worth the risk that you might suddenly get better, you should rest.


How does one trick themselves into thinking they have diseases that they don’t have

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i dont know but my parents keep saying i do so

Physical and mental symptoms feed into each other. Rest helps with a psychosomatic fever as much as a regular one. It’s still a reason