Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

thats what the doctors kept saying to me for half a year
then i ended up in the hospital
if you feel ill, you are


Rose bubbletea knowledge

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i will
make getting food my priority when my hind legs start working again


haha its me

Seconding what Atlas said and also even when I am having purely mental issues they are often caused or intensified by physical issues. If I haven’t slept, eaten, walked around a bit, et cetera, they will be worsened, and so the best course of action when I am not feeling mentally well is usually to make sure I am as physically well as possible. Meaning rest. As well as alleviating possible mental causes, like stress, which also means rest. Psychosomatic doesn’t mean “doesn’t exist” literally all pain is generated by your own body it means “try to alleviate stress as well as making yourself physically well”


all the adults around me say im delusional and i should fix it by just Being Better
i dont =like adults


this doesnt apply to adults who are nice to me


placebo effect
if you can convince yourself something happening realistically there is a chance that your body could assume it is

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i’m not sure about manifesting heavier symptoms though but i’m relatively sure i can make a handful of people cough on command just by mentioning it

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people are self-conscious; they will always believe they are right unless specifically specified otherwise
what i (assume, in my lack of non-medical and non-psychological training), they cannot figure out why, and thus associate that instead of it being something wrong with their lack of knowledge, it is something wrong with you

for reference; this is from my experience from the people who were told to work on me. it may be different, or worse, in your case


I can manifest pretty much any of my symptoms on command because they are all stress-induced. I can just stop my constant monumental effort to be Not Stressed at all times it’s very easy


you just made me sneeze >:(

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all part of a day’s work

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PTs will teach you like meditation and breathing and shit alongside actual exercises because if you’re stressed your heart rate goes up and you’re fucked

placebo effects works really well ive used it to pass many tests

Fixed my profile card so you can actually see all of it


@Atlas What did you write me

“welcome back to the land of the living”
silviu: ATLAS
silviu: ATLAS


There were a few items cut for space but they’re all very good I will share htem also


(“That’s why here in the front page I wrote ‘source: it wasn’t necessary’”.)

(“References: MY ASS, I pulled it out of. Available at: http:// nobody saved the damn website. Accessed 14 April 2019”)


The desperation in the voice of the character demonstrates great drama writting from the author