Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

A mimir with you

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Please grab some sleep mate

Itā€™s serious when the australian pulls the ā€œmateā€ card

You would think that.

I would think w0t, mate

We can kinda just throw ā€œmateā€ around at anyone.

My generalized analyzation of australians is bad?

It means I am in the wrong?

No, itā€™s the pesky australians!

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mate is both a swear word of hatred. and an loving word of friendship.

what way are we using it who the fuck knows

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like we can say
ā€œListen here mateā€
ā€œGet better soon mateā€

If somebody asks about your nationality. Say ā€œmateā€ frequently and in a very accentuated manner

They become convinced that you either are pretending to be british or that youā€™re plainly australian


in this house we stan the REAL patriarchy


[gnome voice] You Have Failed The Challenge!

The Great Hordse

I canā€™t believe they sell human sized mouses that are orange colored with a purple wheel and also refrigerated at the low cost of 14k


When watching my brain stopped registering that this was fake even though logically I knew it was fake cuz the acting and I genuinely felt bad for the employee until his boss came

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Vanilla + orange ice cream in the soft serve machine today. This is the first time Iā€™ve genuinely wanted the alternative flavour option over regular vanilla + chocolate. I didnā€™t take the pineapple or the strawberry. But orange is good.

And it dispenses interestingly, because the orange is sherbert. Very stiff. Other people had trouble with it. I did not, due to my dexterity and skill.



our soft serve machine literally never has anything besides vanilla, chocolate, or vanilla/chocolate swirl. wtf