Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

their action has the opposite effect as intended

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Why do you desire cookies

shockingly common in our circuit considering how rarely the hosts actually consider the effect this has on each individual role unless prompted

the cookie is now a wiki. as it should be. the peoples cookie

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Despite not wanting to go for the cookie and not attempting to go for the cookie I still feel deep anger that you got a cookie why is this

frankly that cookie was sour anyways


There has bee
Throne of Lies FM by ici


surely may has posted frog d before. but i think he should post again. for the culture

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they ended up getting strongmanned by this role. it also killed me but i kinda love it it’s lu bu core

tolfm sure was a game

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as roles go frog d is a pretty good one

Chat when you feel sounds do they naturally pulse in and out with your heartbeat

man now i wanna play total war 3k this is all your fault

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tolfm was a fucking monstrosity

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The Manticore

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