Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

I blame arete

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that was the funniest thing to happen the whole game wtf

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I don’t actually know much about it but it sounds super funny

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arete posted a 6 paragraph essay that could be summarized as “i challenge marshal to a duel” to proc an ability


it included art

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Gonna go to class now (started 2 minutes ago)

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If only someone woke me up

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Someone is testing an ambulance siren outside my room

soon it will no longer be a test

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I love needlessly provoking townies to gauge reactions or just generally create stuff and then going too far and getting gladiated/dueled by them and then realizing my mistake and trying to die


DEADLY connect 4 battle


i’m a little sad this one went unused but the bribery role was just kinda busted and it was one or the other

Connect 4 is an unentertaining game when one party is trying to lose and the other win

My jacket is very clearly not cashmere I don’t know what the guy who just asked me is on

That’s not what cashmere looks like in the slightest buddy

I’m polite and socially graceful so I will not mention this fact to him

I cna handle when random people I’m walking to class next to start conversations with me

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I’m so awake and alive and human being

I can’t this is why I wear headphones