Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

nevermind it’s just
VERY COMPRESSED and illegible

what’s unfun about it

how do I run a philosopher that becomes drunk anyway

a player rands recluse, grandmother, mayor, steward, farmer, drunk, saint, marionette, legion, any evil with poppygrower; do you think they’d have fun

vigormortis with only one (maybe two depending on the circumstances) minion worth killing :fire:

com p r e s s

also why are both steward and granny here
also why preacher/legion
also why Poppy Grower poisoner and spy
also uhhh how many more nitpicks besides the fact i kinda dont wanna play legion uhhhhhh

farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer

not an outsider basically by technicality

For me because I haven’t played them before yeah
Saint would be problematic for me to rand but I think it would be fine and I could try fake claiming something
I guess it depends upon what they think

nah its very easy to see why its townsfolk

GOLEM on the other hand

golem smash

they think they gained an ability; they do not. you now wake them up at the time their character does

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Poppy grower does seem unfun

that doesn’t make it good

you’re actually wrong btw farmer is kinda cracked

roles like poppy grower are extremely unfun outside of their controlled environment

can i dm you my critiques instead of saying it publicly, litten

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if you nightkill farmer there is nothing evil can do to prevent there being a confirmed good player alive

someone on a stream wanted to make the atheist turn into a farmer so they could add in an evil team and I was thinking wouldn’t the good team win then