Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

whos the mafia elitist who made this role

okay but even in a mafia context this is op right

yea for sure

you could probably make it balanced in a big enough game but like

thats the biggest “i hate claiming” role ive ever seen, probably even more than the lying darkness

oh yeah no that role is busted

…but if no one claims ever to counter it the game becomes a drag since it only kills every other night

there are anticlaims ive seen in mafia games that are vaguely similar, in the last game i hosted there was a role that had a pretty similar ability even (that game was also 69 players) (yes that was intended)

the difference being that those are usually one use and also usually have a downside if they mess up a claim lmao

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there’s no downside to making guesses every night tho is there?

seems like you could guess 4 peoples roles every night, wouldnt be shocked if it averaged over 1KPN even with minimal claims

i actually don’t hate this idea but how do you ever make this work in shortform/in-person

also how does it work if one of them is dead. is there just an implicit you keep this ability

i think its a demon, so like


ur entire game is just decided onhow many players claim

hand gestures :wowee:

im assuming it is too and if its not then uh, jesus christ

to be honest tho my knowledge of botc balance is limited

tbf there are definitely official examples of egregious KPN (see: Psychopath)

but not to this degree

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on the other side how does this not just break the game

assuming you’re sober you either definitely clear 4 players from being the demon or narrow the demon down to 4 players

this either flops or takes a huge W depending on playercount and their picks

tbf this script does have lil monsta in it. and maybe maybe in that scenario it doesn’t completely break the game. maybe.

in a 7p hitting demon is suboptimal but in 15p hitting demon is instant balloonist info which is probably a good win

psychopath is funny though

yes but it is undeniably kinda stupid strong


until on its home script it proceeds to accidentally give good like 5 shugenja clears