Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

I dunno. I do not think I am confident these days. I think I am maybe the opposite

Leafia is an easy read. We know that, as do you.
You caught me and min because of what she did, correct? And you expect your correctness to be on an upward scale, constantly getting better

I’m aware I’m not describing it fantastically.

Like I clearly panic as soon as I get like 2 votes on me

Thats obviously something that will resolve in polarization.


I think overconfidence as in… overconfidence in my expectations for myself, rather than overconfidence in my results, is fair. My expectations for myself are in most things extremely high and mafia is probably not an exception. But it usually manifests in “I am doing bad and I should be doing better” rather than “actually my play is fine and good”

have you tried playing like a Politican

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You’re expecting to have at least two wolves on day 1 poe, in a 16 person game, right?
And even that sounds bad

I apologize, my mind is degrading. I used to be better at this.

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like simply explain why other people are better to execute

Does not work on some players. This is a heavily emotional site, right?

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not sure

I go with my gut. The same gut that…

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That’s gorta and is not representige if our site culture

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I dunno. I feel like a lot of what I hold myself to regarding play isn’t even the reads themselves. Usually I look back on games and go “my reads were fine, I expressed them terribly, I didn’t convince anyone, I didn’t have the confidence to push what I actually believed and went instead of easy choices, I looked wolfy and got myself executed”. I’m usually… reasonable enough on my expectations about accuracy

Can you name players you think are “logical”, and which are “emotional”

my brain isn’t in mafia mode and I don’t play often as I used to

Couldn’t you talk more about what you believe before it’s too late?

min was emotional iirc

I go into every game going “this time I will play good and not bad” and never meet those standards for whatever reason

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