Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

for ever

This isnt my most unusual spacing habit I dont think

I just said ā€œmid or nightā€




why is it cropped so badly unless u click it this is the most silviu thing ever to fuck up posting a simple picture. you had one job little guy

Wait, you can click on it? I liked the post thinking the bad cropping was the joke


Why do I have class on the 21st actually yeah I think I should be able to kill someone for that

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Maybe Iā€™ll just go home and not go to class that day I can afford it probably

But what if the 0.5% of my grade I lose by not doing the work that day gets me an A- and I donā€™t get a 4.0 :ā€™(

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my high school core

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one thing you learn very quickly about college is that keeping a 4.0 is not worth the stress

Oh itā€™s absolutely not worth it whatsoever I just like it when numbers and this is my fatal flaw

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i found out by accident, i tried to zoom in to read wtf it said, so when i hovered my cursor over it it turned into a pointy hand and my brain went ā€œoh, clickā€

ā€œDoing self destructive things for the sake of numbersā€ is kind of my whole gimmick

i would have a 4.0 if not for one class where i just did not study for the final and got like a 68 on itā€¦ iā€™m not sure thatā€™ll remain true after this semester but either way i do not care. my gpa is good enough

yes sometimes it haunts me. but then i remind myself iā€™m being silly. and i did not really like that class iā€™m still not sure why i took it

I love classes where my exam average is higher than my classwork + homework + etc average because sometimes I get sleepy and dont do it

donā€™t take college level econ. just donā€™t. itā€™s not even interesting in a haha funny kinda way or a way that excites my stem major brain

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I love when econ is literally hte only humanities credit available for some reason :+1: