Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

300 page untrusted document

Untrusted fucking sucks and this sucks but slightly less

for why

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Who wants to host it

hopefully nobody :curtain:

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Oh that. Based. Iā€™d actually run it if I thought people were going to play it. :moyai:


Iā€™ve played it, itā€™s not bad, but in a discord setting which is where it was ran itā€™s kinda meh depends entirely on if people are fine with conversion mechanics in their FAM game or not too


Bear in mind it was made by people who played untrusted and wanted to do do it better I consider it a fair attempt at it :stuck_out_tongue:

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I could forsee it being ran as a CoD-esque game without a king role and keep operation leader as a jailor-esque role like prince, conversion still being a thing obviously, and youā€™d do away with the whole ā€œobjectiveā€ thing it doesnā€™t really work at all in a social deduction game if you ask me, so youā€™d have to figure that out.

Role madness would be another much simpler way of doing it, just turning every role in ā€œuntrustedā€ into a rough translation of a role that actually works e.g operation leader being an IC role that broadcasts announcements you could have it just be an innocent child or a modposter. Wouldnā€™t really follow the document they have there at all though but what are you gonna do. Untrusted sucks :moyai:




Littenā€™s have mastered this eons ago

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Fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire

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I missed it I missed it soooo bad

I now have a desire to light a candle and then stick my hand in it

Even the STOVE is electric there you donā€™t get to see any FIRES

I love love love dipping my hands in hot candle wax but this laptopā€™s keyboard is perfectly clean of candle wax because I got it at school where I do not have candles. Do I dare

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I now have a desire to put my hand in hot candle wax

Oh no itā€™s spreading

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