Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

On line shop where people sell things

oh. fair enough cant you just unsubscribe to emails

Yes but itā€™s still inherently ridiculous to email me twice in two hours, one of which is just to tell me that my package is In The State


Itā€™s a pin not my firstborn son

i have been granted the revelation that conservapedia is not satire and thatā€™s frankly terrifying


we live in a world where the onion makes more sense than the real deal

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I need a source for this wild claim.

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whatever the fuck this is

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some of it is trolling but the core of the site is dead fucking serious

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Itā€™s a wiki, isnā€™t it? Anyone can edit?

Yeah, the person who made the site was serious.

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being open to edit does not mean exactly what it seems there is still a significant amount of order on most wikis

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this is horseshoe theory but for schizoposting and actual schizophrenics

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Is it still seriously satire to this day?

its clearly influenced by satire but that is the case for most alt right beliefs. alot of it is real. If it wasnt there wouldnā€™t be so many normal-ish pages (nearly all pages are america centric at least)

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Iā€™ve heard once that Flat Earth became a movement because of a meme

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Maybe I should also start a cult dedicated to distrusting the states, illuminati and mention word of God to fill my money with pockets

(I am devious)

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iā€™m sorry but if you name yourself conservapedia wikipedia for conservatives iā€™m gonna think ā€œyeah this guy is ripping on conservativesā€