this is like when i learned the scottish wikipedia was actually supposed to be scottish and they got rid of the guy who made a shitton of articles in a bad scottish accent
What if he makes an alt
i believe conservapedia basically doesn’t work like that because of how neurotic the founder is about his specific insane vision of christian nationalism
thesw videos always make me laugh there was one whwre biden and trump were trading in roblox murder mystery and it was just obscure
pee doctor time
Hello miniathan
Hello Michigan
he spawned on the other side of the map lmao
I was more afraid of the dracozombies that the portals shat out
and then Sigrid soloed a dracozombie
remember that time epic games compared apple taking commission fees off IAPs to fucking 1984
hello book
no, actually
the appointmwnt went good
then i saw how much i weighed and became horrified
one more appointment
how did you miss that lawsuit it was the craziest shit