Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong



Too much peanuts

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Minor spelling mistake

Therefore incorrect (you may enjoy life now)


Would anybody like to get bullied (endearingly)?


Sure why not

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i meant someone normal

not someone weird like you :fearful:


i’m normal


soooo weird :fearful:

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Thinking about why Arctic finds it more awkwars to talk to tall people and I find it more awkwars to talk to short people. Think it’s just that I’m used to a very specific social power dynamic… I’m physically smaller and weaker and nonthreatening and have a high voice and such, and I play off that a lot. I get to be meaner to people before they actually register it as such. It’s often physically impossible for me to talk over someone because my voice is that quiet (I had trouble adjusting to VCs where I’m the same volume as everyone else for this reason). I frame suggestions and requests as helping me out so people are more receptive to them. It’s strange and awkward for me to suddenly have that flipped on its head.


I’m normal you can twll cause I just wrote that exceptionally normal and not autistic paragraph


For the record I started writing that before Arctic even showed up it was fully unprompted

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i find it awkward to walk next to average height or shorter people coz the place their voice is coming from is so far away from my ears that i can barely hear them. and sometimes i feel like a parent walking my child to school

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well i think you’re around the same height as most women and shorter than most of guys so you’re used to being in the same position in the social dynamic most of the time whereas for me it kinda changes a lot depending on guys/girls or the occasional short guy

i don’t really have any other characteristics that lean to the weaker side of the social dynamic either


it also just feels stupid to be around a bunch of 6ft+ guys as another guy


My favourite thing to do to guys is that they’re always stubborn motherfuckers about being wrong. And it’s the most irritating thing on the planet to try to outright explain when they’re being incorrect. So I go “hey I’m having trouble with this problem I see you got a different answer can you help me” and then explain it to them carefully step by step.

And then when I get to the part they did wrong I very carefully explain “well, what I thought was the proper way to do it is (correct way), but I can’t tell” and then they’ll generally come to the proper conclusion on their own in their head. And if they’re still wrong you go “hmm let’s check the textbook/ask the professor”. And this works


I don’t have to do this if I already know them and they already know me to be smarter than them. Usually you can be more straightforward there. But with strangers you have to break out the Strats


And that’s very specifically leaning toward being in the exact social power role I occupy. I’m used to being there. So it’s so weird to be like taller than people or w/e it ruins all my fucking tech

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whats with this sexism damn :fearful:

my culture is sexist in a ton of ways. but women consistently outperform men in academics. so that’s one thing we don’t have - men feeling unused to women performing better


may is only dating me because i am 6 ft tall :pensive: