Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

when did you rename yourself?

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i exclusively voted for the names that clash with other fol users. and mia because teehee ace attorney

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Started going by Willow over my birth name online when I was like 10, though I didnā€™t consider it a Name Change so much as. Like. Secondary online name you know how it goes. Identified more with it over my birth name though. And then I started going by May in 2020, so when I was 15. Before then, I used a few intermediate names with myselfā€¦ I was Catherine for a bit, Rhiannon for a bit, but only, like, in self-reference and in singleplayer video games, never told 'em to anybody else. Werenā€™t quite correct.

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I went by my birth name online for a little while, because I was trying to test whether I didnā€™t identify with it because I didnā€™t like the name, or whether I didnā€™t identify it because I didnā€™t use it with the friends most important to me. Turned out to be the former, I think? I mind my birth name much less now that Iā€™ve started going by May in some situations IRL, strangely enough.


Oh I thought your name is May irl. Damn, Iā€™m sad now that I donā€™t have personally identifying information about you

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Legally, no. I do go by it with some friends but not all

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Well I do know how you look like and where you live and which university you go to and what you study and when your birth date is. So never mind. Iā€™m happy again :innocent:

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I donā€™t mind that my family and professors call me something different from my peers. Thatā€™s fine. I still flinch when people use it too much in conversation, no matter who they are, thoughā€¦

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You definitely have enough to find me! Iā€™ve said plenty!

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Do you know my exact university or just enough details to identify it given some verification?

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omw to kidnap u!

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nah i dont. im just playing. i dont know where your uni city is either. or where u live. i just know ā€œmay = massachusetzā€. i dont even know how to spell that properly. and i dont know if thats where you live or if thatā€™s where your uni city is. thats all i know dont worry

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Iā€™ve given enough information on the geography/policies/nature of it that you can most definitely find exactly which one it is if you just pull up the cookie thread and take some notes. Would take a bit.

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Iā€™m not worried! Iā€™m curious!

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I was going to be impressed that you bothered to write things down, but it appear Iā€™m alone in doing this as always

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just in case u were. coz u were anxious about anonymity right? i wouldnt want you to feel anxious ^-^

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Hi Tutuu. If you donā€™t mind identifying Mayā€™s location, can I ask whether youā€™re from Bulgaria or not? I heard it from Silviu.


i aint writing down that stuff i aint no creep :skull:

its cool if u write it down tho. short weakling privilege. ur no threat. u writing down those stuff is adorable and not creepy. wow. now that i think about it. u have so much short person privilege. how dare you?

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yeah i am

how about you? which city in australia are you from exactly? and which neighborhood? postal code?