Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

What’s your opinions on winning games in cool styles

It depends on how its done, typically i prefer when the game givesyou the option to do cool stuff AND its effective but it doesnt force it in the slightest (like totk)

im playing through cyberpunk 2077 and i keep wanting to do cool stuff but its so unoptimal that it doesnt work well and i have to do uncool stuff


I tried to run cyberpunk but my 1000 dollar laptop doesn’t like it enough to run well so I gave up


It doesn’t have a problem with any other game

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I really want to play more single-player games but i always lose interest in them after i close the game

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except Wandersong because its wandersong

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I like feeling like I’m learning and improving. Progress progress progress. I notice something I’m doing wrong I figure out how I can deal with it more effectively I succeed. And I like the immediate feedback and consequences. If I fuck something up I know for sure. I die and lose and can then easily identify what I did wrong and stop doing it. Or just keep doing it because I’m sleepy and doing the same thing ove rand over again makes my hands feel good


hollow knight was the only single player game I contiuned I feel like once I dropped it
hopefully silksong will be the same



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i played Baldur’s Gate 3 more but that’s only because i was playing it with friends and then continued it from there

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i like playing silly games with friends
… not necessarily the silly part but most games you play with friends are pretty silly


oh yeah i also love metroidvanias and games where u are a big small fighting against a god or large guy or something like that
always so satisfying when something is david v goliath


Okay not to rant about hollow knight but some of the boss fights just did such a massively good job at this

Like the mantis lord fights


stuff like Dead By Daylight i can only play with friends because the game fucking sucks but the part where you play with your friends makes things better (even though the game still fucking sucks)
dbd is a bad example because Killer is actually okay to play as on your own
but I physically cannot play survivor unless im playing with someone else

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I’ve only ever played killer, I don’t like the idea of playing survivor it doesn’t sound fun

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i have interests outside of those kinds of games
but i cant pinpoint what makes me like a game other than that

that’s because it isnt

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Like as killer you are fine even if you don’t hook everyone, you probably at least kill one player and had fun doing that

that survivor probably didnt have fun though

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the thing i like best about games is, as mentioned, the social interaction
and/or a community aspect
this is because I fucking love interacting with people


I’m the type of killer to look at twins and go “is anyone playing that charavter” and not wait for an answer and play it

i dropped the game once I spent money on the twins and I realized it was broken and I wasted money

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