Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

this is an anti meat lantern chat he gets put with singing machine in the “why am i being punished for having good nuggets” tier

Dont say “this is an anti meat lantern chat” like anybody is with u u are alone

me when i have to play the where’s waldo minigame because all my nuggets had temperance 3

hes so easy to rc though
like just find him and use a gun
ez pz

so is drv but that doesn’t make them not annoying

Very excited to know what all these words mean

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rc isn’t a word you will call them suppressions
this isn’t really a choice it just happens to you

Unfortunately it’s bullshit class day where I have bullshit classes in a brick from 8AM-2PM just like high school

I have 3 consecutive hours of “learn to use R”. That’s a useful enough skill but why for three hours straight

i wanna watch!!!

only just saw the green flower XD. discord pfp is limbus, forum is lobtomy. i am a project moon nerd in disguise (not really)

i harassed them into streaming on breadbox when they can like
actually play the game


ping me if they ever do

I plan to this afternoon my time but it will be quite late for you

aww… but he is just a little light boy

i dont know when that is my time


Today. Not the 8th or 9th

5 am x-x do i put myself through the pain of waking early

thinkin about stones

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