Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

See you see 5AM as early and me late. I think this says something about our respective slepe schedules

The stones fandom is dying. Reblog if you’re a real stoner

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ruh roh

if your still playing when i wake up i’ll watch. i am usually up at 7 my time so 2 hours after the time you posted

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5am is early for me but only because I wake up at 5:50 now due to the horrors

promise me you pick meat lantern or child of the galaxy tho

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lobotomy corporation is that kind of game where you either give up because the game is bullshit or learn every single mechanic out of spite


Yeah Iam not busy tonight I only have the gay people event 3 hours after


I prommy

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fuck burrowed heaven

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took me to long to learn their fucking gimmick

its 1pm and i havent done the dishes

eat the dishes

burrowing heaven :broken_heart:

Or emailed my lecturers about the essays i have to write thati dotn understand

i unironically would rather have the antichrist in my facility

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i mean I can just do them and then get feedback on them

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i will no

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i didtn mean to reply yet

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“oh the train…” “Anyway i am taking silent orchestra”