Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

it is a perfect alignment of bad luck and poor decision making creating the worst situation ever imaginable by man

I mean we have a few players I won’t name who drink poison like it’s water in games. It’s no surprise that’s rubbing off on May.

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(there was absolutely no way to tell that the magical girl was going to kill them but sometimes your greatest sin is existing)

you need to stream it later so i cant point and laugh

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plague doctor?

in a game like lobotomy corp?

honestly no that is your own fault

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queen of hatred
on day 13

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how did she get queen of hatred so quickly!

here comes the magical girl


I got Splatoon practice RN but soon

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It was bad luck that she was offered to me but with that flavour text there’s no way I wouldn’t have clicked her every damn time


collect them all

splatoon practice? why is splatoon being treated like a sport

just dont pick plague doctor and you will be fine

may is absolutely going to pick plague doctor


Ok for full disclosure. I did drink poison in a misc, yet I wasn’t aware at the time.

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LUTI’s coming up !!!

i did drink poison in a misc, fully aware it was going to kill me

I’m glad you’re being open and honest with us, CRich.