Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

Unfortunate. Not working out


No side hos in the cookie thread

marissa did you ever make a cat wall or was that just a ploy to see cat pics


I still have 0 wall decor

Wait do I have physics homework due tomorrow I totally do

it was real. printing full color pictures being absurdly expensive at college is also real. being a broke college loser with no job is also real

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I also have an 8AM quiz tomorrow I do gotta sleep


this is implying that half of us would not post a picture of our cats on demand at any minute of the day



I mean I hunted down cats so she’dve gotten some additional benefit out of it

Hunted DOWN?

I might be genuinely fucked wrt the homework I have like no time. I mean I guess I don’t do anything in classes I can do it during chem

Yeah that’ll work

i will do the wall of cats some day. that day being when I feel like spending like 40-50 bucks or something on cat pictures and command strips


Chicken strips

walgreens has pretty cheap prints - its how i got the pictures for my wall

like 40 cents or something for a 4x6

My wall decor is my ceiling Ethernet cable I got literally exclusively to play Splatoon

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todays horror story: theres a non-zero chance i wouldve taken the name katze here if katze didnt already take it first