Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

litten’s pfp has a mustache not a smile


All I know of weird mech is Poy’s game and that got super cancelled

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And individual game gimmicks but those usually were pretty tame


they managed to survive until the merge since a whole lot of townies also don’t contribute to town in any meaningful capacity that helps their logical process or vote without a clear consensus. unfortunately the game kinda ended up being busted when mafia reached parity in one of the universes before the merge could happen

they tell the annals of that universe’s town in the disasterclass chronicles

BOOOOOO square do it normalstyle embrace the wimdy

that was literally the mayor game

Action resolution being Divine Favour is enlightened

an outed mafia voted for themselves at one point and won

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When a Mafia Vengeful self-votes and is cleared for it.

I played a shortform game with Blaseball vote mechanics (i.e. raffle voting). The first day, we voted “Skip Button”, who was just a guy, and voting “Skip Button” removed our ability to no-execute. The second day, we voted out a wolf unanimously (barring that wolf’s vote). The third day, we voted out a wolf with like 1/3, 1/4 of the total vote. The fourth day, we voted out the last wolf with only one vote. It was placed by the jester. Who then lost. Because the game was over.

That’s the game that “Does May sound like an evil villain all the time? Is that normal?” came from. A spectator said that in the chat. It’s a great line.


i think everyone very slowly realized that 3-way multiball with one kpn is a torture sim


We were running behind on schedule for the charity stream it was part of, so the quick townsweep was appreciated, honestly.