Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


thats why i didnt say anything i just posted the image

now youre just saying words

this is probably like the school trajectory of everuone here i imagine


oh i thought you meant there was a cookie just now and i would have been super fucking mad

there was a cookie just now

the secret 1007th post cookie

ehh. I was like. really isolated before like. tos forums. I didn’t mind much until someone interacted with me and like talked to me and I realised brains like doing that

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eh not really

i guess i’m more lucky than most though, that’s what happens when you bond playing world of warcraft with people for like a decade :joy_cat:

because like
when school ended we weren’t just gonna stop doing the thing we did for like 8 hours a day every day

I was going to say this wasn’t true of me but then realized that in context this was not about uni

I kept in ~close contact with one (1) friend from school after I graduated and then he ran off to join the alt-right (e.g. he now (cw transphobia) posts things on social media saying that trans people who interact with kids ~whatsoever should be assumed to be pedophiles and shot) which is SUPER COOL AND FUN

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he was one of the first people I ever came out to as trans :slight_smile:

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my school experience was i found a group of similarly minded people but i was always on the periphery of the group and it very clearly had a hierarchy rather than being a thing where everyone is equally good friends with everyone in it so i had a group of friends but not a best friend or anyone i would actually consider close despite having one closer friend than the rest. i wish i had friends like the stranger things friend group that would have been epic. but that sort of thing was also a product of the fact back then you would be in much closer proximity to your friends - you’d live close to each other and randomly go to each other’s houses and stuff like that. but with internet this was phased out by the time i started existing

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uh it occurs to me that this is a more disturbing combination of messages than I intended. I don’t think he’s going to hurt me

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yeah my school experience was not like that
i had like 6 very close friends, most of whom i still talk to today
but we were also kinda like the obvious social outcasts in school, we literally brought like decks of yugioh cards and played during lunch
very easy to make fun of

at the same time i would rather be me than any of the normal ‘cool’ people now because like you said most people dont keep in contact with their friends :wowee:



when did you come out as trans

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