Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

its electric now

you just give it burn or something

theres shed tail now

Normal only has fighting as weakness right,

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we are talking about cursed not real formats its the fishbucket of pokemon showdown

what the fuck is shed tail

baton pass substitute as a move

shedinja was banished to the shadow dimension in real life

oh right electric is a better choice because people carry ground for coverage less than fighting

its baton pass + substitute in a single move. fuck you.

special wall nyaa~

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the most recent news on shedinja i know is people getting swept because someone gave their shedinja a balloon and now it’s immune to damage (just in general)


air balloon

yeah like every tera type had a niche on shedinja. it was really funny

theres a pokemon which makes spikes when hit


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yeah no tera shedinja is really funny

did you guys know that garchomp dropped to uu

i fucking love shedinja so much