Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

yeah thats what started this convo

time is a flat circle

you need spin support if you wanna use air balloon shedinja its a whole hassle

ok but when it works its really funny

yeah ive been breaking the news. you shouldve seen when I mentioned ttar in ru and lando t nearly dropping

if you aren’t carrying at least one status ailment you deserve to die

these are the end times

status spreader nyaa~

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cant status through a sub :slight_smile:

perish song break glass in emergency


gen 9 has been the end times constantly

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i just bunker down in zu and thats like, good enough

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can’t you just switch out

i don’t think that un perish songs the pokemon

when garg drops to uu you know something is wrong. we need mini ubers

it does but it also means you lose your sub

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im pretty sure thats a thing even if its unofficial

i think i saw someone make mini ubers but it was like in a private discord theres no ladder. and when I say we need mini ubers i mean we should just kill half of ou and put them up there to restore balance

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The next thing to explain is how to win with open hands. I can’t see you play so my tried-and-true formula for knowing when to tell people these things breaks down. I will just tell you now.

There are two open-hand yaku that matter. The others are extremely situational.

  • Yakuhai, or value honours: White/red/green dragons, and your seat & round winds.

    • The dragon tiles (red, green, and white), the wind in front of your seat, and the wind in the center of the table (the “round wind”) [see Figures 1 and 2] are all yakuhai, or value honours, and any open hand with a triplet of them automatically has yaku, and therefore is eligible to win (once you build out your other sets and pair). Basically, if you have a pair of dragons or value winds, feel free to call pon on them, you’ll never lock yourself out of winning* once you hav ethat.
  • Tanyao, or all simples: Only 2-8 of numbered suits; no 1’s, 9’s, or honours.

    • Not having any “terminals” (1s and 9s") or honour tiles is also a yaku; if none of your sequences/pairs have terminals in them, you may want to start calling tiles to get a faster win.

Figure 1. Honours are all non-numbered tiles; terminals are the 1s and 9s. Red, white, and green dragons, as well as certain winds, are value honours.

Figure 2. My seat wind in this case is West, and the round wind is East. In the short east-only games you should play starting out, the round wind will almost always be East.

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we should keep making more and more tiers below zu

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competitive pokemon is so funny you get stuff like ribombee and torkoal above garchomp and tyranitar