Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

The person with the most collective likes post game gets a pride by achromatic

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oh. Eliza won that



They did not get the most likes


I thought the challenge was who could like the most. cause it was about spreading likes

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it is very specific about their posts

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eh oh well. eliza still wins

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Eliza does not have the most likes that game

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eliza still wins litten.

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literally 1994

Evil Fortress of lies be like: Catcher in the rye

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If I had a nickel for every time I realized I made a mod error months after a game I hosted I would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice


Just did 2 weeks’ worth of diffeq homework in 1 night AMA

Someone on Splatoon server threatened me into organising my bookmarks and now my bookmarks are organisde and it keeps messing with all my habits as I am not used to them being organised

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how do you do 1 night’s worth of homework in 1 night. please help


With great difficulty

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My brain was fried because I also had to do all of my bio and physics homework and an econ take home test today because I played Splatoon all weekend

But we swept our LUTI set 5-0 so who’s to say if it was a bad decision or not

is that a good thing?

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