Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong


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such a good song

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What is fox battleship

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Youā€™re just very good at detecting my specific nervous tells. As soon as Iā€™m aware of one I suppress it but you notice them first. I used to be so nervous all the time as wolf that this was not a difficult task. Now that Iā€™ve won a game Iā€™m not that nervous but Iā€™m still somewgat nervous so you can still See It

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Dox battleship is where your friend lists towns and you say if you live there or not

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Iā€™ll like to fire a missile at Austin Texas and see if may house is blown up


You can fire missiles at town and see if your friend stops respondinn that works also

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This doesnā€™t explain why I found you in an anon game

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In this case itā€™s my hometown and I donā€™t live there right now so it wouldnā€™t work tho

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Maybe part of me reading people is looking for anxiety and I never realized it

This would make sense as I started off as an instinct player and I gradually grew to have reason to my reads but

I mean you donā€™t have to know itā€™s me to notice I sound weird and nervous

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shooting marl and may at the same time is just so based

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Mahjong hater

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Itā€™s true I shoot anyone who plays that game

Originally I was just going to kill a 3p and then one of the 3p buddies made a case on you and I was like FUCK YES MY READ IS ACKOWLEGED

I was super obvious town I should have just doused Mac who was constantly throwing sus on me despite me being obvious town

You got your work cut out for you

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