Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

for me its less how the milk is being used and more that its being used without any consequence like that. if i was out here wasting milk at that age? without even asking? cant do that

is this normal in middle class america

if you use up the milk for silly reasons do you expect consequence

When I was a kid I took flour from hte pantry because I heard flour and water makes a paste and I mixed it with sand in my sandcastles to make them structurally stronger and my mom told me not to do it anymore cause wasting flour and I was very sad. Those were the most structurally sound sandcastles we ever made


oh also the noise part. and the throwing milk against the wall part. like that shit mustve been loud


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when i was a kid i didnt build sandcastles i just liked to build really deep holes

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Digging really deep holes is cool

Oh my god

Play station

Do those words sound robotic? Play station has invented a way to get into our heads and it’s terrifying

Random battles is great don’t you just love facing a random mewtwo

Why is this just a verb I was not involved in this conversation whatsoever

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This is great for my ego

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This means roughly the same thing as “anyway i was planning to yolo it”

i am coding (my package manager randomly exploded and to fix it i had to uninstall and reinstall a package 3 different times without changing anything)

I make the same joke so often that every time someone says like “I may play Sploosh” someone else will go “no, May plays Hydra” (additional joke to call me a Hydra main instead of a Tetras main, Hydra is an extremely slow backline weapon that’s the opposite of my main) with no involvement from me whatsoever. I have trained them

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I have a role called “in charge of starboard” because so many of my posts got consecutively starboarded that I declared myself such. I am the clout king

literally just implementing a slightly different output for the error handler too. once i had it set up it was like A Line changing it from regular error handler to context.send. but i had to find out if it actually worked within the specific context so i needed the module. but the module was completely empty upon my first 2 installs.

computer science

HOWEVER: now if an error happens it will shout at me