Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

on my last class the like department head talked to us saying how they expected us to not get much done and how we’re like double ahead of schedule and like. what the fuck. they havent taught us anything and then just made us guess how to do the work. they dont answer our emails. i had one teacher ignore multiple emails and then talk to me in class about how we were never told to do the work by the teacher who was actually taking the class (it was him actually taking the class and he didnt want responsibility) and then not 10 minutes later i was told we had 2 assignments due for a week out of nowhere. i am seething btw

oh my god people talk to you unprompted?

That’s your takeaway here?

well yeah when we have any shitty advice that isnt even needed to give we just watch silently hoping to see that person fall into insanity as they continue to not understand how to do the thing

may just saying if I could trigger aggro from random people in my class as I talked about incredibly silly computer things I would be cowaring away in the corner

in my last class someone was talking about their bus (on the other side of the country) and i was just like. aware of it. I knew of their bus already from bus research. I recognised the bus. I think this is starting to become too much bus


You have to use this stupid fucking tone with these guys if you’re partnered with them in classes because they are completely incapable of taking any advice whatsoever, at least from A Woman, and if you ever try to outright tell them they are wrong in any way they will shut you down immediately. So if you would like them to perform the required lab procedure correctly so you do not fail the assignment, you have to go “something is confusing me, I need help with this, I thought we should be doing [CORRECT ANSWER], can you explain to me why it’s wrong” and then very gently correct them until they get it through their head that I am right and they are not. And this doesn’t always work. Thankfully the times it hasn’t I have received Instant Professor Over The Guy’s Shoulder Correcting Him Save

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The aggro is because they’re assuming I don’t know what I’m talking about because I look like a woman.

oh theyre sexist not just nintendo nerds? thats much worse

You can watch them instantly change their tone as they turn to someone else.

oh yeah thats awful

this is the most any american cs major has ever talked to a woman btw

the world just sucks actually

give it up for 3am

Back when I was taking dual enrollment classes at a local state school (& not informing anyone I was a high school student because it’s more fun that way) I mentioned to a guy I was thinking of majoring in computer science and he was like “haha you’re going to have to deal with some tough competition though dunno if you can handle it [referring to himself and the other guy in the conversation]” and I wanted to kill him soooo bad you have no idea. Tihs is the guy who I :+1:ed when he asked for my number


i dont wanna sleep anymore. dont like sleeping. sleeping is evil

Dude look at your grade in this course and look at my grade in this course and look which one of us spends the entire class period drawing on dragons and playing mahjong I do not think I am particularly worried about you

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I had a 103%

there were massive eyes on crystals in last nights dream. everything was cramped and… wrong. it was completely unstructured and chaotic and everything was sharp. it was like i was trapped with the hallways completely impassable and distorted