Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

i cant explain why litten but your pfp just radiates an energy of having absolutely zero empathy. i think simplistic cats just do that. when I was rocking international cat bastard thats definitely the vibe it gave me

you are always vaguely threatenning

How the hell does my pfp have zero empathy?

I talk a big game about liking to watch people suffer but Iā€™m not usually that big on watching people suffer, like, for realsies




yeah its all fun and games until someone is actually suffering

Maybe a little bit. But

if youā€™re a mets fan youā€™re used to suffering. when others suffer you just laugh at them

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if one of the comp sci majors suffered its different

Iā€™ll admit I was quite delighted when I learned everybody else failed that econ exam and meanwhile I was like ā€œdamn got a 91 guess Iā€™ll need better luck next timeā€

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EVIL (positive)

Imagine itā€™s a Christmas. A young child is visited by Santa and is given two presents: a Soccer ball and a bicycle, but the kid wasnā€™t happy. Why not?

Open-ended question. These questions will judge your empathy.
(Shamelessly stolen.)

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i need to watch an fol nerd play b3313 i want to see how their brain processes it

I think the closest thing to me lacking empathy is me not really caring when people close to me die, I know Iā€™m supposed to be feeling something, I only really feel emotional about peopleā€™s death when other people are being openly emotional. I was more upset at my dog dying than my grandmother despite being closer to my grandmother because my aunt was visibly distraught at the dog. I felt as though I had to ask my aunt questions so she felt as though I cared, because I think dying is obviously bad but I didnā€™t really have any actual reaction to it because no one else had a reaction to it. I was more sad at the funeral when other people were sad than I was at the news.

easy. no limbs

Story is disqualified.


They found out Santa isnā€™t real

yeah i get this. its less empathy and more just. processing? idk