Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

5 HOUR RADIUS? does it measure it based on how fast youre currently going???


mmmm jarvis, im gonna need you to edit my previous post to cover up my embarassing mistake


we’re getting the formula pyramids out for this one

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Honestly 5 hour radius is probably more effective

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Five light-hour

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building PU speed to increase the 7to9iator radius dramatically


jarvis, please identify which of my friends own air fryers


My friend’s dad has THREE

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Wheres my amne ability that says [+1 air fryer]

7C is a bit chilly for short skirt open toe shoes huh

one time I joined a discord server to discover it was previously mine because one of the stickers was an air fryer shitpost that they just never removed. they fucking took my gimmick server and made it into a community server and just live there now

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May what

7C is a bit chilly for short skirt open toe shoes huh

Observation on the weather and my current clothing choices

on the subject of ABC tech, I think the idea of a guy for whom SM64 physics applies as opposed to everyone else is so funny

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Im taking in that post but i dont thinknim registering it

guy on the avengers whois there because he can backwards long jump

if youre constantly building PU speed youll stay warm

he has mario physics but he aint mario. that dude is turning to ash

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Well it’s 7 degree Celsius and I’m wearing a short skirt and open toe shoes