Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

what a fucked up thought to have

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31 Miles per hour.

I haven’t because the road I grew up on Did Not Have Concrete

As I Just Mentioned

simply weakness we had a self paved stone road and i would walk on it for fun

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old me was fucking crazy who walks on rocks for fun


Why the fuck and how the fuck

I have always hated walking barefoot

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I walked through a bull ant nest as a kid once.
That wasn’t fun.

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The road was like. Okay so if you fall off your bike you don’t get scrapes. You don’t get the asphalt cheese grater. But you do get puncture woulds from individual pieces of gravel. So I don’t know which is worse

emus were not made in gods image

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Pretty much any big mammal can be dangerous if provoked and you’re saying they aren’t scary.

i grew up with the countryside life i had to treat the backyard like a warzone because of all the fucking bees


Like I had a scar on my left palm for ages from a piece of gravel that just completely owned me when I fell off my bike. When theu gave me the fucking Eucharist they’d place it on the scar that’s how I remembered which hand went over the other

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“provoke” in this instance would be “shooting them with a really big gun”

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I was terrified of bees all my life I could handle most things but when Insaw one I just would walk away as fast as I could ideally to inside

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i feel like that’s an entirely reasonable response to have to bees


Emus are nearly bulletproof.

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Reportedly aiming to go nuts with a machine gun into a crowd of them yet failing dismally

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My brother wa salso terrified of bees but he was stung multiple times so it made sense. I was never stung. Not once

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