Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

I’ve been mildly curious in the past.

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i feel like a shotgun would perform adequately in this scenario

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it’s not that interesting i assure you. it’s just kind of a mild prick. unless you’re allergic i guess in which case you’re fucked


I think it’s worth noting that both ostriches and emus are extremely dangerous flightless birds, almost as if they needed to evolve in order to survive on the ground.
Then you have penguins.

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if you kill it then you get a hearty dose of venom though

Also chat my back was killing me so bad I physically couldn’t hold my bag anymore and so I finally agve in and used the School Supplied Backpack and I am very mad about the fact that it’s a hundred times easier.

It would not.

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considerably more dangerous than every other bird combined


i don’t think i’ve ever been tested for allergies. found out i’m not allergic to bees the hard way

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Me neither. Probably some kind of problem

I keep meaning to figure out my blood type I don’t know my blood type

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i’ve been a picky eater my entire life so i’m just kinda waiting for when i try shellfish for the first time and go into anaphylactic shock

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My mom has the type that makes the Red Cross spam call you that’s all I know

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not having allergies is cool a doctor asks “do you have any allergies” and you proudly say no because you can take anything life has to throw at you

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people with O- make bank i forgot my blood type and i’m too lazy to pull it up

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I’m mildly allergic to almonds which I figured out one day when I was eating almonds and was like damn I wish I didn’t get nauseous every time I ate almonds too bad there’s nothing I can do about this time to continue eating large amounts of these almonds

Had the exact same experience with pork

ok which one of you is it

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I’m sure my family’s having the time of their lives eating pulled pork for dinner every night now that I’m out of there

glad to see you supporting cancer awareness