This is also how I try to wolf
Except I try to make people wronger instead of correcter
that is arguebly always the correct answer
I’m so offended he never thought it was real
what the actual fuck. may doesnt lie
I need to make you all think I’m stupider you need to look at that and go is that May’s credit card number
dw may. i think you are the right ammount of stupid <3
I am soooo greedy I want to be more
You respect yourself too much
This is why I doubled down when I says you wouldnt
Damn may has to loose respect in themselves to win now
And I win if that happens
Sounds like fun
The cat has trapped you may
I merely locked the cage you happened to walk into
May walks into a lot of cages which is why she always dies whenever she’s a wolf
awwww they are on an evil winstreak dont you know