Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

id assume living conditions arent good but instead of googling for an actual answer like you could have i will instead wait for arete to give an actual answer just like you

aret aret

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afaik it mostly has to do with the conditions egg-laying chickens are kept in, like katze said

((the other important thing to know here is that companies will ~lie about how nice their chicken conditions are, even if an egg carton is like “we are super nice to our chickens” that doesn’t mean they are))


why do regulators let companies do this? are they corrupt?

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why do people let companies be corrupt? are they stupid?

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a mix of “yes” and “it is possible to say true things about how you don’t do [bad thing] while also doing lots of other bad things” and “lots of claims are basically unregulated, if you call your company the Happy Chicken Farm That Loves Chickens So Much that’s not the kind of thing the government cares about”


my dad is always telling me about how companies have to word their claims in a particular way such that they aren’t regulated

he works for nestle so

what’s your opinion on the water rights of africans

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it took me way too long to realize that u said water rights

Happy Chicken Farm That Loves Chickens So Much forum mafia when

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alright thats what i thought but it wasnr sure if there was another reason so i thought id ask

i was like
“… the water of africans? idk if its like. dirty of clean or what”

OH also clarification that might or might not be obvious: this is why eggs probably cause some amount of chicken suffering, it’s not the only reason why eggs are generally held to cause more animal suffering than dairy – that’s partially the conditions and partially the fact that 1 cow makes a lot more milk than 1 chicken makes eggs


needless to say clean water is a fundamental human right

my dad is also always talking about how he has no idea what people have issues with to do with nestle

and nobody tells me why people hate nestle other than the african water thing that i dont really fully understand
so I can’t like. tell him.

Getting a Splatoon lesson with my team from a streamer right now and they’re saying May should be in charge and everybody should do what May is doing and back up May


Not kidding

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can confirm i am the streamer (i stream on discord to an audience of 1)

tutuu stop liking randomass posts i made 4 hours ago i was a different person then